Of course, there's plenty of longform writing these days, as my title implies. Yeah, everyone and their sibling has a newsletter. I subscribe to like sixty, and my inbox is so overwhelmed that I barely read any of them. When I do, it's more often than not because someone linked to the newsletter on Substack, so it's almost like I'm reading, well, a blog entry. Substack even makes public newsletters available via RSS.
But I also like the idea of owning my domain and the place I'm writing. Yeah, no one really owns it all, but at least I can create my own space here. I still have my Dreamwidth account and my LiveJournal one (I use the latter to occasionally post about how awful the war in Ukraine is to piss off their owners), but none of Substack or Dreamwidth or LJ or FB are "my" spaces (yeah, I know -- wasn't going for the joke there but I'm not going to delete it).
Oh, and the domain name? A reference to the pilot of The Tick, one of the best animated shows of all time.
Anyway, hi! My name's Adam and I love a lot of pop culture and have a lot of opinions. I've written for online publications like Bookslut and Chud.com back in the day (RIP both of them), and traditional publications like Publishers Weekly and Library Journal. I once tried reviewing a bad horror movie a day on Livejournal (and made it nearly four months), and met my spouse on a fannish listserv (for Charles de Lint) long before meeting your partner online was in vogue.
I've worked at three universities and one college in some form of either IT or Academic Technology for the last 28 years, and have lived a third of my life in each of New York City, Atlanta, and the suburbs of Boston (Watertown and now Waltham). I have one spouse, one grown daughter, one small dog, one medium-sized cat, and one monster cat.
My hope is to update this site once a week or so. If I find myself sticking with it and getting readers, maybe I'll throw up a Ko-fi or Patreon option, but that's down the road.